You probably like hamburgers, but do you want to smell like on? The american fast-food chain Burger King has made a perfume called "Flame by BK"
For just 3 euros you can smell like a hamburgers every days! Mmmmm!
Look carefully at their shape and you will realize why these small
delicious cakes are called rock cakes.
Pau: So what are you going to have, Eugeni?Eugeni: I'm not sure. The Hawaiian looks good.Pau: What's that?
Eugeni: That's pizza with ham and pineapple.Pau: Mmm. That sounds tasty. Well, I'm going to have the pasta and tuna salad.Waiter: Hi. Are you ready to order?Pau: Erm, yes. Can we have a Hawaiian and a pasta and tuna salad, please?Waiter: One Hawaiian and on pasta and tuna salad. Thanks very much.
Eugeni: Excuse me. Can you help me? I'm looking for the windsurf centre.Pau: Ah, yes, the windsurfing center is at the Loch Bhasapholl. Do you know the island?Eugeni: Not really, noPau: Let me show you on the map. It's here, look.
Eugeni: OK. Great. And where's the best place to watch dolphins?Pau: Erm, there's a good place here, in Baugh.Eugeni: Is that far from here?Pau: No, it's about twenty minutes by bike.Eugeni: OK, great. Thanks very much.
In the pictures the colors are red and blue because they are exciting and calm. I am a natural person. I think I think I'm a happy and natural person. There is a photography of my dog in the center. In the photographies of me, my cat and my favorite football club. I like people who are funny.